Edited by Ross C. Brownson, Graham A. Colditz, and Enola K. Proctor
Chapter 10: Systems Science Methods in Dissemination and Implementation Research Lens, written by Douglas A. Luke, Alexandra B. Morshed, Virginia R. McKay, and Todd B. Combs
2018, Oxford Scholarship Online
- The first book of its kind: a practical text on dissemination and implementation research (D&I), the study of how scientific research is implemented in everyday life
- Assembled and authored by the leading voices in D&I research, covering the most actionable and essential aspects of the science
- Offers tools and methods to move research into practice and policy with greater speed and efficacy
- Relevant to students and professionals across the sciences, health, medicine, and government
New to this Edition:
- A fully revised and updated edition of the classic textbook
- New or extensively revised chapters on: ethics in D&I research; models and frameworks; systems science methods; implementation strategies; adaptation in D&I science; mixed-methods evaluation; worksite D&I; and working in lower-resource countries
- Incorporates insights from scholars working across diverse settings and populations
- New case examples to illustrate the core principles of D&I science